Memetic lexicon:
- host (carrier) - A succesfully infected individual
- meme - A contagious information pattern that replicates by parasitically infecting hosts and altering their behavior, causing them to propagate the pattern
- infection - Succesful encoding of a meme in an individual
- auto-toxic (self-damaging memes) - Memes that damage the hosts, or are self-limiting
- exo-toxic (damaging memes) - Memes dangerous to others
- bait/hook - A part of the meme package that promises benefit for the host (e.g. heaven for religions)
- threat - A part of a meme that encourages adherence and discourages mis-replication
- belief-space - The limited space where memes compete for attention
- censorship - Any attempt to limit the spread of a meme
- co-meme - A meme that co-evolved alongside another
- dormant - Memes without hosts, awaiting reactivation (for instance written down)
- earworm - A tune or melody that is infectious
- ideosphere - The realm of possible memetic evolution
- memetic immunity / meme-allergy - Immunity or resistance to some memes
- immuno-depressant - Anything that reduces a person's memetic immunity
- immuno-meme (vaccime) - Any meta-meme that can confer resistance or immunity to other memes
- internet meme - A digitally hosted meme, that is being spread by hosts interacting on the internet
- infection strategy - Any memetic strategy that encourages infection of a host
- meme medium - The medium through which memes are propagated
- meme allergy - An extreme reaction to a particular set of memes by a host of another meme
- meme-complex (meme package) - A collection of mutually-assisting memes that are sustaining one another and usually are related and together
- memebot - A host whose entire life is subordinated to the propagation of the meme, robotically, at any opportunity.
- memeoid - A host whose behavior is basically driven by the meme, even at the expense of his or other hosts survival
- meme pool - the full diversity of memes accessible to a culture
- memetic - related to memes
- memetic drift - Accumulated mis-replications
- memetic engineer - Someone that creates memes with the purpose of using them to alter others behavior
- memeticist - One that studies memetics, or a memetic engineer
- memotype - The information content of a meme or similar memes to it
- sociotype - The expression of a memotype (like Church is for religion)
- meta-meme - A meme about memes
- The Meta Meme - This concept of memes
- mimicry - A strategy that some memes use, by imitating another successful meme
- replication strategy - Any strategy a meme uses to make hosts propagate it
- retromeme - A meme that tries to infiltrate into an existing meme package
- tolerance - A meta-meme that confers resistance to a wide variety of memes
- vector - Medium, method or vehicle that transmits memes
- identity - A meme that is central to a hosts behavior, actions and beliefs
- control memes - The memes that are driving action on a host
- ego - A meme that refers to the host, that has infected the host (or what the host believes is him)
- viral - A critical mass of replication reached by a successful meme
- cult - A community of membots or memeoids that synergistically work for the purposes of the meme
- replicator - Any pattern that can be propagated through replication
Further related meta-meme rabbit holes:
Link 0, Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5,
Link 6, Link 7, Link 8, Link 9, Link 10,
Link 11, Link 12, Link 13, Link 14